If you are a donator and come off donator status, does your friends and enemies list get erased?
But you cannot access it until you have donator days again.

So if I have someone put me on there friends list or enemies list and gets fed jailed, their listing stays?
If someone is fed jailed, their account is still around. So ya.
Before I say "Yes" here, you wanna tell me your plan?
(edit: lol Zen, you beat me to it

Just wondering how accurate the friends and enemies list were for just active users

well i wish that people that friend/enemy lists for people that was inactive stopped counting.
nice to get an accurate picture of how things are.
wud be nice to see who they are.
4 friends 4 enemies, u either love me or you hate me ahhhh

I've got 3 that have placed me on there enemies list! :shock:
Guess that's not too bad