look over your crime jounals, for me, the 7th, 14th, and 21st of june show a drastic drop in the success rate of crimes - does anyone else have the same pattern???
No real change on the 7th or 14th but definite drop on the 21st (30 pts less)
all of my day are pretty consistant except those where they drop by almost 50%
the 7th was a low day...the 14th was average...but the 21 and 22 were both high days for me this month
83.3% 87.3% and 92.1% respectively... looks good...
chalk up to randomness.
The 7th and 14th I was as active those days but were average, the 21st was an awesome days for me.
6/7/2009 22 2 33 66.7 %
6/14/2009 17 1 20 85.0 %
6/21/2009 23 1 28 82.1 %
Only the 7th was a bad day, and it was a really bad day. Everything else is over 80%.
If you get me don status, I can check