Screen turned grey where all of the side-links are to go places, whole front of the screen with all of the information turned white, and all of the links were purple.
Has that happened to anyone else?
(2009.Jun.21 12:01 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Screen turned grey where all of the side-links are to go places, whole front of the screen with all of the information turned white, and all of the links were purple.
Has that happened to anyone else?
That sounds like the page loaded without the stylesheet. Without the stylesheet it has a vanilla look.
Sounds about right. So, it's just a random thing that happens once in a great while?
(2009.Jun.21 01:08 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Sounds about right. So, it's just a random thing that happens once in a great while?
I've never heard it happen before, but I wouldn't be surprised that your connection is downloading other stuff at the time.
Dunno..I wasn't downloading anything at the time, and I didn't have any other pages open.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention Tom. I mean really, thanks.
Yeah. No problem, Marlo. I mean, what would AL be if the screens weren't right, and if cheaters could get off scott free, huh?
Its happened to me and i was downloading other stuff. Do you have auto updates on...??? Your computer might have been updating its software....

That might be it. All of my stuff is auto-updated.