I think putting a cap on the market might not be a bad idea. People are putting them on the market, but why sell them at 250 bucks when people will buy them for $350. Idk, it doesn't seem fair to the younger guys that for over a year I never paid more then $250, now it doesn't drop below $300. I can afford to buy creds at the current price, so it doesn't effect me. I just think the way it is makes the game easier for vets and harder for newcomers.
Just my 2 cents, take it for what it's worth.
Very good insight, you are wise beyond your years, young padawan
the price of credits aren't going up.....the vaule of your dollar is going down!
(2009.Sep.24 04:55 PM)Conrad1103 Wrote: [ -> ]the price of credits aren't going up.....the vaule of your dollar is going down!
Exactly. Inflation is a biotch.
(2009.Sep.23 01:48 PM)filthymick Wrote: [ -> ]cap em @ $500 ea. if the market ever gets so creds are sold reasonable at $500 ea, ill prolly never play again. personally i see the current price of credits on the market as ridiculous. it was less then a year ago. wat happened was a few ppl got greedy and everyone else followed suit thats all that happens in RL too, anything else you're told is politics and lies
But it's worth remembering that people price themselves right out of the market that way sometimes. Quite often, actually. In AL's case there's an alternate source of endurance points. One where instead of *you* paying money to get endurance *they* pay *you*. The athlete career. Work that career for about 4 months(I'm too lazy to go into my records to give you the exact time it took me so you'll have to take my best guess on it right now). During the first few months don't spend JPs except to be promoted. When you get to L4 save 2000 JP and then dump them all at once into your endurance. I'm willing to bet you'll see a decent boost. And when you do you can then laugh in the face of all the silly credit vendors who destroyed their own market because they presumed too much on their customers not having alternatives. ^_~
actually, whats happening is people are buying for these crazy prices, if noone buys, noone will sell for that much.
People are buying the creds with exploited unearned money. No wonder they are going so fast
The simple answer I would think is that supply < demand.
Fewer new players willing to donate, which then makes fewer credits available for easy purchase.
Could Zen comment as to whether or not new player sign-ups have dropped?
And if so, maybe we could do something with referrals, not a contest but a bonus on top of the referral bonus, like, get 50% more out of normal donator house functions ( instead of .25 end, get .375) for X amount of referrals that donate at least once.
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yes active members are down i remember when that was above 650 closer too 700 on a daily basis...atleast i think so or maybe im dreaming..but i dont think i am dreamin...
(2009.Sep.25 07:58 AM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]People are buying the creds with exploited unearned money. No wonder they are going so fast