(2009.Jun.16 08:21 AM)Marlo Wrote: [ -> ]Deathwing, you are a tool. Know this.
you got your nose out popojo's arse??
know this marlo
i will never be a bigger tool than you and most the bunch you hang out with
marlo is sour bc he lost to me while i attacked him wth no armour. online hit at that. he didnt fight back. just cried.
how cute... you should send him a pussycat patch Conrad
make him feel better

(2009.Jun.16 10:19 AM)Lucky666 Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Jun.16 08:21 AM)Marlo Wrote: [ -> ]Deathwing, you are a tool. Know this.
you got your nose out popojo's arse??
know this marlo
i will never be a bigger tool than you and most the bunch you hang out with
i love it when people use the same insult right back.
(2009.Jun.16 09:28 AM)SisterLynx Wrote: [ -> ]Well conrad won't fight naked. He's scared of getting his sticking out parts cut off or at least scratched. lmao
Or you might bite off more than you can chew...

Unlike yourself Deathwing, I could care less about my reputation in this silly game. So please, verbally manhandle to the best of your ability. It saves me the hassle of making fun of you myself.
Spacebird, in order to get even close to my style you gotta have better taste in Disco Biscuits. Both you and your little brother rock some of their worst songs as your names...
Conrad. Your feeble attempts at ruffling my feathers have not gone unnoticed. Don't worry, someone here will give you the satisfaction of playing your games.
Oh yeah, Deathwing, you're a monstrous toolbox.
(2009.Jun.16 08:21 AM)Preacher Wrote: [ -> ]LegalLambOfGod, you are a tool. Know this.
edit - to revise or fix mistakes in writing.
Batwing, your English is as rusty as your humor. Take a walk.
And, I almost forgot to thank Connie for all the experience he has given me over the last few weeks. All those losses have amounted to thousnads of defense points on my end! Thanks d00d!
(2009.Jun.16 11:37 AM)Batman Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Jun.16 08:21 AM)Preacher Wrote: [ -> ]LegalLambOfGod, you are a tool. Know this.
please post more.
I always know where i stand with Conrad.
You are either in his gang or on his hitlist...