"Persistent Attacks[edit] does not necessarily mean game-mechanic attacks. It means personal attacks. Some examples are sending inappropriate mails, changing your name to belittle someone, or just being an all-around jerk with the intent of ruining someone's fun.
Wish I would have caught this post earlier, but since I am out of town it slipped through. No reason to keep this thread going any longer. If you are going to call someone out on the forums, expect being slapped around for it.
As for the person doing the slapping around, don't go overboard with it. It's one thing to defend yourself, it's another thing to turn into what you hate."
Freaking hilarious. It has everything: unintentional humor, an idle threat, and double-speak. I love that changing your name to reference another player is a persistent attack, but keeping people in the hospital for days on end isn't. Keep it up!
Why make rules if they won't be enforced?
You tell me. XD I'd say my piece, but my balls aren't being put up on a rack again. I do agree with where this little topic of going, though, how some of the rules aren't enforced, no matter how many times/how many people report the abuse of the game.
well first, lets start here. Most times people are hospitalized for reasons, whether it is they have mouthed off at someone, hospitalized a low level or an online player or attacked the wrong gang in war.
People don't just go around hospitalizing one person over and over again for no reason (usually). Most likely 95% of the time it is provoke by someone. Now if you look at someone who is a bully and just hospitalizes a variety of players lower than him, then that is where the NO REASON comes in. But can anyone say that they have not posted something rudely in the forum provoking someone, or sent maybe an email to provoke someone, or even talked down to someone because they were female and sexist remarks.
These kind of issues will lead to constant attacks in retaliation. It was provoked whether we want to think it was innocent or not.
EDIT: Marvelous saying to remember "Treat others like you would like to be treated, respect goes a long way"
i have to agree with jolabent as always,if you run your mouth or call somebody out in the forums it usally end up in the hospital, so the best thing to do is respect others and it does not happen,so good luck,i was called out in the forums once and yes i hospitalized that player a few times,so give respect to others as you want it in return

grabtindy Wrote:"Persistent Attacks[edit] does not necessarily mean game-mechanic attacks. It means personal attacks. Some examples are sending inappropriate mails, changing your name to belittle someone, or just being an all-around jerk with the intent of ruining someone's fun.
Wish I would have caught this post earlier, but since I am out of town it slipped through. No reason to keep this thread going any longer. If you are going to call someone out on the forums, expect being slapped around for it.
As for the person doing the slapping around, don't go overboard with it. It's one thing to defend yourself, it's another thing to turn into what you hate."
Freaking hilarious. It has everything: unintentional humor, an idle threat, and double-speak. I love that changing your name to reference another player is a persistent attack, but keeping people in the hospital for days on end isn't. Keep it up!
Are yall starting this crap again!!
I'm trying to resolve this through in-game emails with one person. But your going to start another thread about this issue?
Me hitting yall is not for my personal satisfaction. Do you not think I'd love to use my energy to train and my credits for my end?
Obviously not, you cant put 1 and 1 together. Yalls gang talks so much trash. I've talked to many people about this, and each one I've talked to told me I'm doing the right thing and not gone overboard with it. Most said they would have done the same thing.
So before you pass judgement over what a 499er says (Because we all know there word is gold
sarcasm), know the whole story.
And for the two members that did leave the 499er gang, shoot me an in-game email.
Stop it. This is enough, enjoy your holidays. No more forum posts about this PLEASE.