of 7laws need to be further repremanded
(2009.Jun.07 08:15 PM)g2o2d4wp Wrote: [ -> ]yep
where's the poll
sorry im new and on my cell its up now
yes they should
not all
just the ones who took the credits
not took but spread around maye
Definatly, to anyone that used the credits in any way. Including anyone that bought massive amounts of credits from 7's, if that even happened, IDK if it did or not.
After further review of the screenshot I recant and say yes. I evidence is damning........Waiting for rebuttal......

considering all you (the community) have is a screenshot and the admins have everything. Who do you think is more informed about the situation and thus more able to cast proper judgement? I'd go with the admins, who have already acted.
come on emocakes, the community also isnt the one who pockets the money that donators bring in.
im very curious as to what would have happened if maybe a bunch of noobs got caught doing this, as opposed to a gang of decent donators.