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on with another question i have been thinking about for quite some time now, and it has prolly been asked before.

Best Hit - Attacker | Best Hit - Defender

can this list be made to show the best single hit from a person instead of showing best multiple hits from the same person? doesnt have to be everyone in the game, maybe top 100 like they are now.
I would love to see this. Great idea!
So there's more than 5 people on it. Rolleyes

Seeing your name in places other than the hospital might do you some good.
lol yea thats what i was thinking


Also, I think that this idea would be great!
i thought the point of this pantheon section was to see how few people could take the entire slot
Hola bras!


(2009.Jun.03 02:50 PM)Accipender Wrote: [ -> ]


hahaha! I like that!
There should be a wall of Shame.

Motivation to get to the top isn't as intense as motivation to get out of the sewers.
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