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Full Version: Shot Gun or Axe That is the question..
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Used to be an axe guy, but switched to long-blade, so Shotgun for me.

(2009.Jun.03 10:04 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Used to be an axe guy, but switched to long-blade, so Shotgun for me.


Sorry...but what:?:

btw, DW, you'd still suck.
(2009.Jun.03 10:09 AM)Batman Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Jun.03 10:04 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Used to be an axe guy, but switched to long-blade, so Shotgun for me.


Sorry...but what:?:

btw, DW, you'd still suck.

Sorry about your Engrish. I'll try to speak it better.

I use axe in past.

I use long-blade, now.

Shotgun is way to go.

to seriuos to me...dude was a joke....

::pass the mic to Tommi::
::i am out::

-Puts mic to his bum and farts really loud into it..Then, passes it to Deathwing.-

There you go. I know you like sniffing things..
btw,tommi you's still suck.....

::i have strip nurses in my room,thanks TOM::
Courtesy of me.

They would have sent you Big Bertha and the B-Squad from the Morge, but I told them to be reasonable.
(2009.Jun.03 10:23 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Big Bertha and the B-Squad

It depends what ur going for... shotty is a good all round weapon for pvp and pillowfights on the other hand I think I have fallen in Love with the lvl 60 axe. I really dont have the str for this baby but i'm getting decent crits in pvp and got a 72 with it (in war) which beats my shotty high by a cpl.
Depends on whether you mean combat or hide out damage.
But I love my axe either way!
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