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Full Version: Is Triad
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Pages: 1 2
a borg yet?
if by triad u mean triad boy and if by borg you mean gay then yes..... yes.

if you actually mean is triadboy a cyborg yet then
who cares???Eek



Gollum (Jaysin) seems to care enough to know. lmao
(2009.May.28 11:21 PM)JaySin Wrote: [ -> ]if by triad u mean triad boy and if by borg you mean gay then yes..... yes.

I'd like to nominate this for quote of the week if possible


Mmmyy Purrreciousss!!!

why does everybody dislike triadbooy?
(2009.May.29 04:16 PM)ArmorOfGod Wrote: [ -> ]Mmmyy Purrreciousss!!!

why does everybody dislike triadbooy?

He is a fucking dingdong.


We're planning on unleashing triadboy on xpats if we need to. You underestimate the destruction he can cause!! Scream


Yeah, she's a powerbottom and enjoys the King Dong. People have tried helping triadboy... she's just special like that.


(2009.May.29 04:24 PM)Chymere Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah, she's a powerbottom and enjoys the King Dong. People have tried helping triadboy... she's just special like that.

Oh man,,,good fun. sorry triad,,,but that is glorious
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