Is there anything planned (or if it's already done and I missed it, please direct me to it) in a near future for the donors? It's nice to boost our intelligence and endurance and get good money but donating but it would be nice to have rewards like those who can be online 18-20 hours a day get (all the Christmas contests, every month most training, etc).
I cannot be on that much as I need to sleep (unlike TripsT, lol) and work but I love the game and I feel I've done my share of donations so far and I plan to keep doing it no matter if there's something for it at the end or not but I feel it would be cool to have some rewards or special things, like special items, armors, weapons or even districts or jobs that only those who donated more than X$ could get.
We could have some kind of system where a 5$ donation gets you a small stim pack, 10$ is a little better item and so on or simply put something special for those who donated more than XX$.
Is this a good or bad idea? Any thoughts on it?
sleep is severly overrated and only for the weak
fwiw-- i have mixed feelings about this. on one hand i like it, and it makes sence, whereas on the other hand, it changes the dynamics of the game alot. one of the things which origionally drew me to this game was the fact that there werent specific items/actions limited exclusively to people who continually gave cash.
if it hadnt been for that, im not so sure i would of donated cash in the first place.
granted, you arent requesting anything too outrageous..... i donno
donors have lost the main thing they had going. Energy refills.
Earlier EP refills was equal to more levels since it let you do around 150-200 attacks a day, and you could level up much faster then today.
and that was much more important then any of the other perks donators had. especially now with the race to level up.
hmm... there's a lot going for donating still... but yea, I'd agree now- long term donating isn't fantastic, apart from for quick cash and extra endurance/intel. Once you're past lv 15 or so, keeping yourself in donator days from market and buying your own houses is more than doable.
Personally... I like it that way. I hate online games that practically REQUIRE donations in order to be successful- that puts younger kids (primary players of online games) and students at a serious disadvantage. Donating a little early on can set you up nicely for a long time, without breaking your bank, and then donating is less necessary later on.
If you really want to donate a packet though, as Fading and Cass have both proved- it doesn't win you any friends, but it DOES pay off big time- you can bulk your work stats up, improving your crimes and training tenfold, buy the best weaponry before time and get the best houses. Not to mention instant get of jail anytime you need, happiness refresh, energy refresh now and then...
Donations are working fine as they are, in my opinion- donators don't need any further perks.
oddjob Wrote:sleep is severly overrated and only for the weak
fwiw-- i have mixed feelings about this. on one hand i like it, and it makes sence, whereas on the other hand, it changes the dynamics of the game alot. one of the things which origionally drew me to this game was the fact that there werent specific items/actions limited exclusively to people who continually gave cash.
if it hadnt been for that, im not so sure i would of donated cash in the first place.
granted, you arent requesting anything too outrageous..... i donno
What I meant by jobs or items/weapons was only something different, not necessarily a godly weapon but something like the Christmas axe or police armor or any other special items that were given in contests.
District I now realize it could become unfair as donors could "hide" there if there's no high level guys but still, any1 can donate.
It could also be some kind of bonus credits or cash too, like, I don't know, every 50$ you donate you get an extra 250 credits or 100k gets deposited in your bank or even extra donor days, anything like that but I agree, it can't be something that will give too much advantage so this game doesn't become a kinda donating race.
What I think would be really cool, would be special items that are bought in credits- say, a special melee weapon for 2000 credits, or along those lines. Donators can buy them by donating (duh) and obviously get them a LOT easier, but regular players that want something to aim for can buy credits off the market.
This would waken the credit market some too, which has become a little dead lately... the 'advantage' of selling on the market has become minimal due to lack of uses for credits, in my opinion. Once you've got enough endurance for the AK, the ONLY need for credits really is donator days once a month, or extra endurance for training/intel for crimes if you're indulgent.
Err and I have discussed offering a credit-only store where you can purchase items using credits. I am a little skittish about it however, since in the past players were at each other's throats when Casanova donated his way past everyone. Adding even more exclusive things would make me feel like I was just doing a money-grab rather than adding long-term content to the game.
But as the norm, if there is a good response to these types of changes, we can implement them. They most likely would be placed simply in the donator house.
I understand the part of not giving too much advantage to the donors but it would be really cool to have a donor only jobs with different and maybe slightly better stats gain.
Bonus credits or items could be cool too, say every 20$ you get like a mid or large pack and/or every 40$ you get extra credits (instead of the regular 4600 for 2X 20$ you could get like 5000).
Those are only examples with random numbers.
Did I mentioned it would be cool to have donors only jobs? :oops:
You could make it to start as like drug dealer and all the way up to Godfather or something, would just have very cool (and theme related) special jobs.
there could be other ways to buy Unique ingame items.
Could pay for them with reputation. Rep is the one thing nobody needs atm, find an alternate way to gain Rep.
then get a shop in the dark side called Black Market dealer, which would let you buy his unique weapons for ingame cash, (should be high) and reputation.
F.ex. Doomsday Gun with Armor piercing bullets costs 450 000$ and 50reputation.
Ways to get reputation would be to beat high or higher levelled people on full health.
this would make it hard even for the tops to gain more reputation fast.
there should be some perks given to those that work hard in the game, and doesnt have the cash to donate