(2009.May.27 12:06 AM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]I like how it's assumed we have a gym day each month. I remember one month we pushed it back to the beginning of the next month (that month we technically had two) and I had some hate mail over it. Guess gymboree has become a staple.
No hate mail from me sweets just keep the game up, and make your new content magic when ever you can....
if gym day doesn't come and people start complaining you can check out the trade mod and hire me too hit them for you
I will give you a 10% discount

(2009.May.27 08:48 AM)Gornikel Wrote: [ -> ]Jim day?
I know a Jimmy Day... Does he count?
(2009.May.27 08:40 AM)DustiWoot Wrote: [ -> ]I don't care when we have gym days, I'm still excited whenever we have them. I don't give a drek that some people expect them every month and that some people don't. Is everyone on something this month where they *complain* about everything? Oh wait, you boys do that all the time. GO YOU! farging men suck!! Ugh.
(2009.May.27 09:00 AM)Gornikel Wrote: [ -> ]Slim day!
Is this where Zen frees Slim from fed jail for one day?
(2009.May.27 03:23 PM)Accipender Wrote: [ -> ]Is this where Zen frees Slim from fed jail for one day?
Nah, it's when some dumbass talks too much in the forums and gets into serious trouble.
How about Hosp Everyone who sends Zenith Hate mail Day while the rest of us who don't beg for gym days get one day?
It could still happen today!! Im optimistic!
(2009.May.27 08:17 PM)ArmorOfGod Wrote: [ -> ]How about Hosp Everyone who sends Zenith Hate mail Day while the rest of us who don't beg for gym days get one day?
Come to think of it,,,I don't think I know what a gym day is<<<<