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Full Version: selling unique items, on accident
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I was wondering if someone accidentally was going to unequip a special/unique/rare and accidentally hit sell and sold it for the $1 or $0 its listed for. Would it not allow you to sell it? And if you did, is it gone forever, like any other item you sell? Has this ever happened before?
I doubt it. When you sell something, you have a screen that asks the amount, and a verification button.


If you click on market it is going to ask you for a price but if you just click on sell it is going to simply give you what that trade-in amount is.Sad
i sold my ebony and ivory pistols by accident.

they're gone forever now =(


Do you want it back? 5 mil. I will more than likely never equip it anyway,,,
(2009.May.23 05:46 PM)ArmorOfGod Wrote: [ -> ]Do you want it back? 5 mil. I will more than likely never equip it anyway,,,

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