just wondering weather i should become a cyborg member or not?.. is it worth it?. i was thinking of getting the 8 resistance at 60k a pop and then the strenght one and uping that by 5 at 75k a pop.
if anyone can tell me some info and share what they know about this road iam thinking of taking... i hear it really slows you down by alot?
well i just want to know weather its worth it or not?... cos me and afew others have been talking about it but we are not sure cos we dont know much about it, ive been here over a year and still havent got any cyborg. does anyone know anything pls? thanks
I got a plunger with your name on it
totally worth it! get all the cheap ones you can afford.
and they arent 75k a pop, the first one is and the go up from there.
but i would try dingus's plunger first to see how that fits.
i didnt know it gets more expensive each time, how much more does it go up each time?. what a rip off
well worth it, i have a few and i am getting more asap or when the money is there for them,so i say cyber up
(2009.May.22 11:02 AM)TriadBoy Wrote: [ -> ]i didnt know it gets more expensive each time, how much more does it go up each time?. what a rip off
Yeah these things are so great that it is worth the extra expense... go for the cheapies though.... Oh and all res

you could stop a mack truck!
They say it doesn't count for item requirements, but it probably does....go for it!
(2009.May.22 10:45 AM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]I got a plunger with your name on it
i think i love you (no homo).