i just did the stupid mistake of installing IE 8 and now the Forum's all messed up
anyone has any sugestions?
i hate firefox

guess i'll have to downgrade...
I installed IE8 a while back and the forum got messed up. I tried downgrading and it wouldn't let me. And when I looked through my programs to uninstall it, it wasn't their. Now I use firefox.
i did the downgrade
IE8 sucks big time
FF 3.09.10 sucks....i just did the downgrade and now i use FF 2.02...
Just noticed IE8 can't handle simple stylesheets. Unreal.
Google chrome is doing a nice job at loading and running around the forums at lightning speed.
It isn't half safe as FF but its very fast, for now.
Any other issues with chrome? Had it when it first came out and it wasn't safe at all.