Most awesome says
Good job...... Stat man arriveth.....
sorry i was a little lit last night

(2009.May.15 10:20 AM)shadowinc Wrote: [ -> ]now to get down and do some serious training
wow...level are the be(a)st....

and for gym...enjoy the new gym trainer...
thank you everybody, when i decided to start going to lvl 50 i thought it was going to be easy, but found out how hard all those before me had it when they started thiers,props to all those that has done it before me and for all those that helped me to get here
sweet trainier
wtg SG welcome to the Club

good job brahski.
glad i could provide you with some exp.
you pwn faces.
ok ok ok young juice entertainment
6 stoves cooking, mean we got work
young juiceman cuz smoking out pounds of purp
wtg SG
now if only u could convince BR to comeback and join the lvl 50 club