what determines this score?
1) career points earned vs career points spent
if you spend your career points on promotions, you get more efficiency than if you spend them on stats, but both will give you more efficiency.
that essentially means that the more points you have EARNED and SPENT, the higher your efficiency.
i have also noticed that getting a promotion basically gives you +1 to efficiency, for each promotion.
you're better off staying off the charts.
people wont know what career you're in nor if you're the repairer in the gang =)
doesnt matter if you're not in those fields
Doesnt matter if you're high enuff either...
(2009.May.13 04:06 PM)LikeWhoa Wrote: [ -> ]you're better off staying off the charts.
people wont know what career you're in nor if you're the repairer in the gang =)
But if do not appear in there, then you are not to good at your career.
Or just good at multiple careers
Or you have taken a break and have to build it up again
getting fired sucks
went inactive for 2 weeks, about a year ago,
lost a job rank