This idea is purely cosmetic and somewhat vain; but i think it would be cool to have badges to signify reaching certain milestones in our AL lives
like reaching 1000 attacks or whatever you can think of
you are talking about some sort of achievement medals right?
sound interesting but i think that like all graphic content would only make it harder for thews of us who use their phones on a daily basis to play AL
(2009.May.12 09:51 PM)Lucky666 Wrote: [ -> ]you are talking about some sort of achievement medals right?
sound interesting but i think that like all graphic content would only make it harder for thews of us who use their phones on a daily basis to play AL
yeah that gigantic medal for you being the most annoying douche bag would take up the whole frickin screen.

i like this idea, personally. for significant milestones, there could be a medal section at the bottom of your player profile. if youre playing on a cell phone, why do you need to scroll down under a player's profile anyway? on mobile web 2.0, the sidebar is listed, then the top of the profile, then the player profile. the medals could be UNDER that profile. so whats wrong w/ that? nothing. it shouldnt appear on the nametag on USERLIST or w/e, but if i'm on your profile, bam, there it all is!
in fact, i think its a GREAT idea. could show who has achieved a lot, who is truly active and does a lot in the game, vs those players who are just old
They don't even have to be graphics... There are endless possibilities.. 30 consecutive days on the gymrat POI, most attacks in a month...
Or maybe a traveling tag/ trophy kind of deal for some of the major activities like Gymrat, jail bust, most attacks, etc...
The holder of the trophies get some kind of benefit, like +1 reputation/endurance (using the 'cyber' fields) while they have it. If the benefit is good enough, it would definitely increase activity... the competition for the most attacks one would definitely liven things up around here...
(2009.May.16 04:10 PM)infinite93 Wrote: [ -> ]They don't even have to be graphics... There are endless possibilities.. 30 consecutive days on the gymrat POI, most attacks in a month...
Or maybe a traveling tag/ trophy kind of deal for some of the major activities like Gymrat, jail bust, most attacks, etc...
The holder of the trophies get some kind of benefit, like +1 reputation/endurance (using the 'cyber' fields) while they have it. If the benefit is good enough, it would definitely increase activity... the competition for the most attacks one would definitely liven things up around here...
I agree with this. While I feel the game is screaming for a major content update it also needs some stuff to make it fun. Having some sort of achievement page for each character might add some interest.
There is already labels for milestones. It's awards, I don't think a label for everyone who hits say 50 for instance is needed.