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Full Version: one more new idea
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how about gangs that are over the three people that can't be declared on?? what do you think g2?
awesome idea, birdie. is your avatar a pink floyd thing?
either that or have 2 man gangs be able to do small OC's.


Bad idea...
They can't be declared on and who decides who can't be declared on?
And are they able to declare on gangs?
If so easy for a large gang to split up for a bit and go and get all these 3 man gangs and declare on gangs and build up all these little 3 men gangs quite nicely, it would take some time but something that could be done.


wow bird, you're always coming up w/ great ideas!
(2009.May.11 05:06 PM)Troopermccue Wrote: [ -> ]how about gangs that are over the three people that can't be declared on?? what do you think g2?

nah I like protecting our fort
I'm a patriot of the XXPat regime
better idea though

if you don't want it to be a hosp. war then don't declare on 3 men gangs that you know are going to hosp. members of gangs who declare

::authors amazing run-on sentence::
(2009.May.11 07:34 PM)g2o2d4wp Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.May.11 05:06 PM)Troopermccue Wrote: [ -> ]how about gangs that are over the three people that can't be declared on?? what do you think g2?

nah I like protecting our fort
I'm a patriot of the XXPat regime
better idea though

if you don't want it to be a hosp. war then don't declare on 3 men gangs that you know are going to hosp. members of gangs who declare

::authors amazing run-on sentence::

Funny indeed....
zerk RolleyesJailbreak
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