i was up as much as possiable,to many things going on in my real life outside the game,hope everybody the best of luck
I was in bed quite early 2:30am in England. Couldnt be bothered with the hardcore training but i did a stat that many wouldnt have done
i stayed up all night playning just came on every 40mins and
i played my 360 while i waited 4 my energy 2 refresh until it is full
well.. i have done my day has usual.. just made a little train in morning and a bigger one at night.. at least my dexterity level up! :wink:
I went to sleep for the first time in 38 hours this morning around 2...
Fractaleyes Wrote:I went to sleep for the first time in 38 hours this morning around 2...
poor guy

i was already going on little sleep, and ended up passing out around 7 or 8 am, after that I just gave up and trained like normal, congrats to the winners
Fractaleyes Wrote:I went to sleep for the first time in 38 hours this morning around 2...

i had a powernap b4 the comp and actully overslept my 1st train by logging in 35 mins late.

then i missed a cpl on the drive to and from my granny's house

Totally alienated my self at the supper table when i cursed out loud and was subsequently told to leave the room... lol and trained nonstop until the very end.
My family all think i'm insane now but i never slept a wink :wink: