Am I? According to someone, I seem different.
Nope.....No changes........
you dont look at me when we make love anymore, you seem so distant.....
Attention whoring... check
Being an attention whore... check
Whoring yourself for attention... check
You seem perfectly normal

(2009.May.08 10:46 PM)emocakes Wrote: [ -> ]you dont look at me when we make love anymore, you seem so distant.....
Heh. That's funny.
(2009.May.08 10:52 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.May.08 10:46 PM)emocakes Wrote: [ -> ]you dont look at me when we make love anymore, you seem so distant.....
Heh. That's funny.
I have been gone for awhile so i cant say for sure. Since ive been back though you still seem to be the fun, bunny loving, tommi boy ive always known. I missed you while i was gone.

(2009.May.09 07:43 AM)ZhuSeth Wrote: [ -> ]Who cares?
KK thanks
same old tommi i know, why?