Remember the March referral contest?
Did anything ever come of that for those of us that got referrals?
If so I must have missed it.
Those were for a different contest. I'm not sure if we did get something for the referral contest.
we havent received anything yet.
If I recall we (barely) missed our goal as a group.
I can't recall if Zen planned anything as a reward for us getting so close,
but I do know that we did fall just short of our budgeted goal for referrals for the month
1. it was a community contest, so no individual pries had been awarded(only tags i believe).
2.we got Arnold at the middle of the month and a gymboree at the end of the month, like usual
we got rewarded w/ increased jailings for crimes (i know i got jailed more often..) and a new crime that basically results in ONLY getting jailed
Maybe only the top 3 got a special day.
(2009.May.02 09:27 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe only the top 3 got a special day.
they got tags?
top 3 havent got a special day it was a community effort
think there is something on the way, going to be for everyone ad it is gym related.