It seems to me that when I wear one and equip one the damage on me is increased becase they are so heavy that my encumberance rate shoots so high I get smoked.
Any thoughts or assistance?
You just answered yourself man.
You need to lower you weight charge or increase your possible carrying weight total.
if that's the case, take out your helmet when you wear a belt.
I personally don't have that problem of high encumbrance. You can always work on your Dexterity or Resistance for more defense.
(2009.Apr.21 02:04 PM)Gornikel Wrote: [ -> ]You just answered yourself man.
You need to lower you weight charge or increase your possible carrying weight total.
I understand that I need to up my strenght/dex to equip all 3 (helmet/armor/belt).
My question is how important are they? When you're not over-encumbered do they make a big difference in resisting damage?
My eh101 basically doubles what i resist in a fight. If u play using melee weapons, encumbrance is never an issue

Zen has said before that your encumbarance rate does not effect how easy it is to hit you. My 201 belt helps alot I've resisted upwards of 6 times my normal.
wow... those are huge numbers to resist. perhaps I should check 'em out again.
so encumberance rate has nothining to do with how much you're able to be hit in battle?
I am a shotgun guy... so that has something to do w/ it too as compared to melee?
I know my brain is scattered about this...
I appreciate your help so far, guys... please keep it coming!
(2009.Apr.21 03:53 PM)thatthingufear Wrote: [ -> ]Zen has said before that your encumbarance rate does not effect how easy it is to hit you. My 201 belt helps alot I've resisted upwards of 6 times my normal.
She has mentioned that Encumberence rate has an effect on the effectiveness of the Defense - Combat Evasion skill
It effects that but did nothing before skills. So you shouldnt see any difference unless you have that skill.
(2009.Apr.21 04:26 PM)thatthingufear Wrote: [ -> ]It effects that but did nothing before skills. So you shouldnt see any difference unless you have that skill.
And that skill is useless, unless you train all three defensive skills.