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These training competitions are a lot of fun! me like. i want to thank zenith and err for coming up with these. Mrgreen i only wish they weren't happen during my finals week so i could put a little more time in towards them :cry: but what can you do. good luck to everyone!


i just wish i had a chance at winning one


maybe there could be different brackets of contest play based on experience level?

level 1 through 7
level 8 though 15
level 16 though 23
level 23+



the strength and res competitions havent put a lvl 1 anywhere behind a level 28, we dont need brackets


the strength and res competitions havent put a lvl 1 anywhere behind a level 28, we dont need brackets

the thing is.. that you can get sleep for maybe an hour and a half and then wake up and train.. but a lvl one guy could not do that... ´coz you have more space:/ so i kinda agree with FaceOwner.. but in a way not.. because i´m really determand to win one competition.. and if it means that i have to stay awake.. i will do that! still i´m not happy with the timings always.. because i have to get up at 5´o clock in the morning to be able to win because i am in Portugal.... :?


actually, the only thing that makes a difference to how fast your energy refreshes is whether you are a donator or not. I am, so my energy refreshes almost fully in 30 minutes, not an hour and a half. as I said before, a lvl 1 is at no disadvantage in this competition. in fact, non donators have a slight advantage over donators because they can take longer breaks. seeing as how most of the high lvl people are donators, that puts high lvl people at a disadvantage.
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