Why do I have to train 3 defensive skills to keep up with 1 combat skill,,,?
I don't like it,,,I have spent the first few days in my account studying through some hokie defensive skill to find out that it is utterly inneffective against 1 combat skill,,,I think that there should be certain combat skill sets for each weapon,,,weapon skills that match up against each defensive skill set,,,
I like the way it is to be honest, I'm all for few skills, I think everyone is, but having three defensive skills means you get more diversity and personalisation between people. Some people just power combat evasion which is an interesting approach which I'm sure given the right circumstances could be more effective than a jack of all trades. If defensive skills matched up directly with weapons it'd be a no brainer and I don't think we'd see much diversity in combat.
(2009.Apr.17 11:24 AM)ArmorOfGod Wrote: [ -> ]Why do I have to train 3 defensive skills to keep up with 1 combat skill,,,?
I don't like it,,,I have spent the first few days in my account studying through some hokie defensive skill to find out that it is utterly ineffective against 1 combat skill,,,I think that there should be certain combat skill sets for each weapon,,,weapon skills that match up against each defensive skill set,,,
Each defensive skill is set to help offset 1 of 3 different aspects of an attack.
Armor Handling - Increases amount of damage absorbed by the armor
Combat Evasion - Helps in dodging more attacks
Critical Resistance - Helps to lower the critical hit damage
While 1 rank in a weapon skill slightly raises all of those factors.
Okay,,,Sorrry about the seemingly whiney thread,,,I understand what must be done with skills,,,The info does say that it works best against skilled opponants does it not? Has anyone ever compared this aspect of the game between persons versed in skills and persons innactive before skills?
BTW,,, My referrer is SV can I get this changed,,,rofl
PUN intended for anyone playing victim,,,,
(2009.Apr.17 12:42 PM)90ranajo Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Apr.17 11:24 AM)ArmorOfGod Wrote: [ -> ]Why do I have to train 3 defensive skills to keep up with 1 combat skill,,,?
I don't like it,,,I have spent the first few days in my account studying through some hokie defensive skill to find out that it is utterly ineffective against 1 combat skill,,,I think that there should be certain combat skill sets for each weapon,,,weapon skills that match up against each defensive skill set,,,
Each defensive skill is set to help offset 1 of 3 different aspects of an attack.
Armor Handling - Increases amount of damage absorbed by the armor
Combat Evasion - Helps in dodging more attacks
Critical Resistance - Helps to lower the critical hit damage
While 1 rank in a weapon skill slightly raises all of those factors.
i think to take advantage of a skill, it depends on how you play and train your stats.
some of the defense skills are useless depending on your stats/items.
Yes, there is a strategy behind the defensive skill.
I am just trying to figure things out right now,,,I was just shocked that my strategy was going to be leaky because the advantages training weapon skills
I am over it now,,,thank you everyone who provided a different perspective on this,,,
armor skill can never go wrong unless you dont have armor on....and weapons wise just work the skill you think you will have the corresponding weapon for longest time or your weapon goal....most people are at least one in every defensive skill cause level one only takes a couple weeks to get
For being such a new guy you're all around these forums being awfully vocal and critical of a game you've only been playing "8" days.
How'd you get into VS already?
Something smells fishy to me!

(2009.Apr.17 12:45 PM)ArmorOfGod Wrote: [ -> ]Okay,,,Sorrry about the seemingly whiney thread,,,I understand what must be done with skills,,,The info does say that it works best against skilled opponants does it not? Has anyone ever compared this aspect of the game between persons versed in skills and persons innactive before skills?
BTW,,, My referrer is SV can I get this changed,,,rofl
PUN intended for anyone playing victim,,,,