That's fine, but you need to share the wealth, brahsef.
i think everytime tommi sees the word prize it starts some sort of reaction in his body that wont let him sleep for 24 hours....
Ooo. Prize. When can I recharge mine, or start throwing egg bombs at people's hideouts to destroy half of it in one blow?

After you fall asleep 
Tommi, there is a prize tomorrow!
Whomever attacks me the most and loses gets 100k AL cash!
doesnt seem like much of a prize for giving u free exp
(2009.Apr.19 02:14 PM)Ushanewnewba Wrote: [ -> ]Tommi, there is a prize tomorrow!
Whomever attacks me the most and loses gets 100k AL cash!
good,,,the stim price may offset the prize price,,,may as well do it for free
0 exp for low levels losing to me..

check your facts little miss sunshine.
thats what i thought too smarty pants but i actually made 20k points the day of my comp....

That's because you are a low level player!