(2009.Apr.16 07:15 AM)Lucky666 Wrote: [ -> ]for all the drama he's caused he should get a tag
also i wasn't sure if BAKON was BACON so i couldn't pick that
Perhaps it should be a drama queen tag?
Jealous by any chance RJ ?

(2009.Apr.16 07:15 AM)Lucky666 Wrote: [ -> ]for all the drama he's caused he should get a tag
also i wasn't sure if BAKON was BACON so i couldn't pick that
I picked it because I didnt feel it was right to encouge anyone to brag that they have been in almost every gang in AL
I vote for bacon.
Alot of gangs ive been in sucked.fully,you must give money,gotta do this,perpetual war i understand why you would gang hop.
jay and his gangs were the first lot to be decent to me so i say give him the bacon hopper tag.
a confused enemy is................lol
Jaysin is not a bad guy he just is somewhat confused as to where he should hang his hat. Money is his motivator but loyality is his negotiator. I will admit I have courted him but he just wanted too much........
I couldn't find the "no tag just hosp his sorry ass for a week" option so I voted for bacon.
I vote yes, but I think as a prize he should get put in a three man gang that can never be upgraded or left or induct new members,,,,I think he should have everything upgreded to max three person hideout ratings as well to make it fair,,,or maybe just give him a negetive combat bonus that enables anybody in a gang to defeat him in combat despite level or stats,,,