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(2009.Apr.14 07:58 PM)Gornikel Wrote: [ -> ]Well, the fact that your contest is simple is something I like.

But, it could be part of a bigger thing. Like the AL Olympics.

Each gang gets a member to participate in one category:

-jail bust

Who'd get the gold medal?

Wich gang would be the winning one?

this would work even better Smile
Zen already has codes from past jail busts, drinking and crimes contests and i don't think updating them would be that hard


Not exactly related to the topic but what if Zen can make the unique items impossible to be traded?
(2009.Apr.15 07:04 AM)ZhuSeth Wrote: [ -> ]Not exactly related to the topic but what if Zen can make the unique items impossible to be traded?

that'd be a bad idea imo
once you outgrow the item it would become scrap
yes uniques end up geting at rich people but thos people worked to get their cash(or donated) so if they want to collect the uniques that's their problem Smile
but yes
Zen could do that

Hey DW....great idea..

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