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OMG, why? This is not good. Sorry Sam Sad


I'm sure he has a backup. What webserver software you using? apache?

Sam I Am

The site was hacked. This is the downfall of using a opensource CMS. These so called hackers read on a hacker site how to hack into "Joomla" and then hack into all the joomla sites they can find so that they can call themselves a "hacker", lame if you ask me but whatever. It was bound to happen, thats why I have been working on a new site, that I am writing myself. I could restore a back-up but there is no real use, the link has been published on many hacker sites now so they will watch for me to restore it and then just do it again. AL Junky will be down for now until I am finished with the re-write.
Sam, NO! I am lost without the beloved guide! I can't see a.... wham!


A lot of the site's info can still be found by using Google Cache.


I have started a mock page until it is back up and running.

check it out at:



Very Nice! Well Played. I salute you.


thanks, i'm open to suggestions. And if you have other info to put up let me know.


al junky is down for far too long,is that other site ready?
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