Im done....
If anyone would like to keep in touch with me send me an in game message.....
Its been fun.....
good playin AL with ya man....

I hope that you will not be gone for long. However take care of yourself, you will be missed!!

damn i hate to see you go man....

a true warrior, best of luck bro
(2009.Mar.27 09:11 PM)stormshadow Wrote: [ -> ]a true warrior, best of luck bro
ditto, wish you luck man
thanks everybody....
Ill be back in every couple weeks or so to see how everybody is doing...
well bud
all i can say it's good luck and hope to see you back'n runnin in AL eventually
and if not i'll just catch you on messenger
I have decided that i am not quitting permanantly... Just long enough to take care of real life issues... It may be a couple of months or so but i will be back...
BUT until then I will still log in once or twice a day for about 2 minutes each time to check my mail and do my career....