I think it might be interesting to see all of the gang member's attack activities.....
yeh... i agree

Sometimes when you stalemate a person you have to attack them again and again to finally bag them does your faction really want to know how many times you tried to attack a person if it is like 4 or 5 times stalemate it would fill the graphy thing up a bit too fast in my opinion but arrests might be oaky...
no but I think in your attack history with that person, it should show that way when you are going through people to attack and forget how you did with that person or why it shows that you haven't attacked them in a while, you could see the times you did attack and ended in a stalemate.
Its so damn annoying when you end in a stalemate.
Then gang attack logs would have to be alot longer lol, cause adding more things to it would make it really messy.