Holy moley! I actually lived through a fight!
Was that $1000 per hit?
If that's the case it's more money than I've made in a week...
(2009.Mar.27 03:38 AM)Phineaus Wrote: [ -> ]Holy moley! I actually lived through a fight!
Was that $1000 per hit?
If that's the case it's more money than I've made in a week...
I just realized something ... y'all r crazy
So far I've sent 1 rose to everyone regardless of how many times u hit me. If you want a rose for every Hit count up the # of times u hit me total and the person with the most hits will get their roses. PS Plz dont hit me more because of this or u may find yourself holding a Violin instead...
i think some players need to know 25 credits will get you out of jail,
(2009.Mar.27 04:47 AM)ZhuSeth Wrote: [ -> ]I beg you pardon, you sent me 2 roses
yeah well i sent 1 person 8 (by mistake) and 1 person 12 (by mistake) so i may have lost count with a cpl ppl...
ever heard of planning ahead Zhuy? or do you type first and think second?
looks like blackpanther should have read SGs post
(2009.Mar.27 09:20 AM)ZhuSeth Wrote: [ -> ]I agree with the need to be prepared, but you know, some of us non-donators found ourselvs sometimes with $0 in bank.
Im in the non donator camp