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Holy moley! I actually lived through a fight!

Was that $1000 per hit?


If that's the case it's more money than I've made in a week...
(2009.Mar.27 03:38 AM)Phineaus Wrote: [ -> ]Holy moley! I actually lived through a fight!

Was that $1000 per hit?


If that's the case it's more money than I've made in a week...


I just realized something ... y'all r crazy Razz

So far I've sent 1 rose to everyone regardless of how many times u hit me. If you want a rose for every Hit count up the # of times u hit me total and the person with the most hits will get their roses. PS Plz dont hit me more because of this or u may find yourself holding a Violin instead... Smirk


I beg you pardon, you sent me 2 roses Hugegrin


i think some players need to know 25 credits will get you out of jail,lollol
(2009.Mar.27 04:47 AM)ZhuSeth Wrote: [ -> ]I beg you pardon, you sent me 2 roses Hugegrin

yeah well i sent 1 person 8 (by mistake) and 1 person 12 (by mistake) so i may have lost count with a cpl ppl...


(2009.Mar.27 06:15 AM)shadowinc Wrote: [ -> ]i think some players need to know 25 credits will get you out of jail,lollol

Maybe some people don't have 25 credits.
ever heard of planning ahead Zhuy? or do you type first and think second?

looks like blackpanther should have read SGs post Jail


(2009.Mar.27 08:58 AM)Moriarty Wrote: [ -> ]ever heard of planning ahead Zhuy? or do you type first and think second?

looks like blackpanther should have read SGs post Jail

Better late then never.
I agree with the need to be prepared, but you know, some of us non-donators found ourselvs sometimes with $0 in bank.
Happy B-Day Howl! Winky
(2009.Mar.27 09:20 AM)ZhuSeth Wrote: [ -> ]I agree with the need to be prepared, but you know, some of us non-donators found ourselvs sometimes with $0 in bank.

Im in the non donator camp Wink
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