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Full Version: New item(s) idea
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I had an idea for some new items.
In each region, there is a store called Testbed. In the store is experimental versions of the items available in that region. The cost the same as the existing versions, but have a limited duration in some way (either limited uses, or limited number of days it would be used for). The benifit is that it is 50% more effective (better resistance, more damage, better chance of crits).
There can even be a highly experimental line that has 1/2 the duration of the experimental line, but is even MORE powerful.
It is a good way to rid the economy of money, while allowing less powerful people beat up on more powerful people (which is the biggest problem I see in the game so far).


basically what you are talking about is renting high powered weapons. as to whether or not it would let people beat those who are significantly stronger than them, that would depend on the cost. if it was cheap, the strong players will just end up sontinuously renting the good weapons, if it is expensive, the lower level people may notbe able to afford it. this idea could work but I think it will be difficult to implement in a way that it does what you mean it to do.


You could put a level cap on them... for example, a weapon equivalent to AK for players only lv 12 and below? A weapon stronger than AK for only 18 and below... and only increase that when the top players get stronger..


Cost could be related to level as well, and the item could not be transferrable.
renting out ak to those under level 12, would defeat the purpose of going above level 12. cause then right after level 12 you have 8 levels of getting pummelled.

if this item was to be implemented correctly i think that it had to be disposable weapons, that perish after one use. powerful enough so that weaker accounts can spend 15000-25000 on getting revenge on stronger accounts. and expensive enough so that the strongest accounts see no use in getting them, cause they have powerful enough attacks already.


dude, perishable weapons are exactly the same thing as renting weapons. you pay, you get the weapon for a certain amount of time, then you don't have it anymore.


just hire someone to attack for you, same result, a 1 shot deal. Or get NPCS in there that can be hired to attack people, that would be good I think. 1 shot weapons don't much appeal to me, having assassins for hire (powerful ones) seems like a better solution
or powerful weapons that need ammo Wink

Sam I Am

Druchii Wrote:or powerful weapons that need ammo Wink

I think Zen has plans for something like this.
thats awesome Wink think ill need to start saving up then lol
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