Time Spent Online: 2 Days, 13 Hours, 4 Minutes, 5 Seconds
when did you start counting Zen? even if it's the forums time it's way of if you started counting from the day i registerd
2 Days, 9 Hours, 42 Minutes, 14 Seconds
It's only for the forums. Not the game. Goes back to when the new forums went live

DW we need to get out more.
(2009.Mar.23 11:12 PM)thatthingufear Wrote: [ -> ]DW we need to get out more.

(2009.Mar.23 09:51 PM)Lucky666 Wrote: [ -> ]Time Spent Online: 2 Days, 13 Hours, 4 Minutes, 5 Seconds
Bro...wtf???2 days online...you don't sleep???
Quote:Posted by thatthingufear - Yesterday 09:59 PM
2 Days, 9 Hours, 42 Minutes, 14 Seconds
You are a cyborg and want to kill the people from Antarctica???
damn you're drunk
that's the total time spent online on the forums
i can go 4 days with no sleep