but rage asked you if it's a LOAN
and you said yes
LOAN: A loan is a type of debt. The borrower initially does receive an amount of money from the lender, which he has to pay back, usually but not always in regular installments, to the lender. This service is generally provided at a cost, referred to as interest on the debt. A loan is of the annuity type if the amount paid periodically (for paying off and interest together) is fixed.
that means you have to pay it back
end of story
pay it back or suffer
JinxtheLynx [10135]
Sent at: March 3, 2009, 5:16:58 pm
will you consider it a loan?
JinxtheLynx [10135] RE:(No Subject)
Sent at: March 3, 2009, 5:19:18 pm
Jinx it doesnt say anywhere in the mails that those are gifts to you. It looks like you agreed to pay it back.
If i have to i will drag Zenith and Err into it to prove my case bro...I even went as far as sayin that i would even take half of it and settle it but you chose to take the hard road now pay me my money back..
Hey i may be wrong, but didnt Jinx post a thread a lil while back saying he was looking for a gang to pay him money to join them? strikes me as odd that there is now a dispute over cash.
Im not taking sides im just pointing out some info.
I knew that would come and yes he did but as you can see i aproached him and told him i would helphim then he told me what he needed. I told him that all i can do is give him a loan for the belt.
ok guys go ahead and keep me in the hospital i will wait until you guys and gals get tired of it and start playing again sorry i ask for a fee to join a gang and it has been blown out of control he is mad because i left because i was rages hardest hitter look that up too when you go to zen and err
We are doing fine and dandy without you bro, and yes you WERE our hardest hitter but that has nothing to do with it.
Jay we all know that thread exists but bud you need to know that yes i approached after seeing that and then thats were the mails started, as i said i told him i can help him but not with what he was asking for. So we agreed on a loan for the belt that he got. All i want is the money or the belt either one.