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(2009.Mar.20 06:29 PM)Conrad1103 Wrote: [ -> ]and why cant level 10 military buy some grenades?

Wait, your level 10? Ninja never heard that before. lol Bandit


(2009.Mar.20 09:13 PM)Chymere Wrote: [ -> ]Why can't I get pregnant in AL????


(2009.Mar.20 09:13 PM)Chymere Wrote: [ -> ]Why can't I get pregnant in AL????

why tf would u want to? Eek

course if ur gonna suggest something like that maybe we should get pets 1st... Smirk


LOL Howl... like you dont have enough pets already... Oo ...
come to think of it... where is Evildeedz? Havent seen him post in a while. =P

And... well, if we should be able to get preggers in here... what do we do with the babies? =/
(2009.Mar.21 05:44 AM)Howlsong Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Mar.20 09:13 PM)Chymere Wrote: [ -> ]Why can't I get pregnant in AL????

why tf would u want to? Eek

Welfare check. 'Nuf said.


I am level 5 in athletics.. how come I can't get a sponsorship deal with Wheaties and get paid a couple million for my picture on thier box?
(2009.Mar.21 05:52 AM)Pixelle Wrote: [ -> ]
And... well, if we should be able to get preggers in here... what do we do with the babies? =/

throw them out the window...?lol

Here's something I would love to know (and I'm sure every other person in construction is wondering the same thing): When are we getting a DEMOLITION option for our careers?


(2009.Mar.21 05:52 AM)Pixelle Wrote: [ -> ] And... well, if we should be able to get preggers in here... what do we do with the babies? =/

There's a black market... female players should be able to sell them for good $$
Sell them to the Chinese resturants.


(2009.Mar.21 05:44 AM)Howlsong Wrote: [ -> ]course if ur gonna suggest something like that maybe we should get pets 1st... Smirk
Get a Taco bell chiwawa to distract your opponent and land more hits?
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