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As a melee player, what stat determines critical hits?
Weapon Stats determines critical hits.

Other factor would be luck and skill.
So basically just strength, dexterity, and luck of the draw?
actually, there is still much speculation regarding the nature of critical hits. first of all, it depends on the weapon TYPE. many people find they receive ENORMOUS critical hits from certain weapons (i believe longblades?), while other weapons receive multiple SMALL critical hits (short blades? and maybe whips?)

the difference i'm suggesting:

if you do a "super" 700 dmg critical hit w/ a long blade, you would do 2 or possibly 3 critical hits at 250-300 dmg with the short blade weapon. just as an example, no true math involved there, i havent done it at this point

the more speculative part about critical hits involves stats. obviously dexterity is involved, because you need to actually hit your enemy for your critical to land. now, i have no idea if criticals are random, so if you look at the # of your hits, i dont know if the criticals apply to that #, or do the hits you actually land (like if your critical randoms at attack #43, and you miss on that attack, so no critical. i am not sure)

also, it is a possibility that accuracy increases the frequency of critical hits, and strength increases the potency of those criticals. this, however, is a speculation if i am not mistaken.

i do know that if you increase the base stats of whatever weapon you are wielding (if your weapon requires strength and dex, increase those more) then your criticals and overall damage will increase more than it would otherwise
(2009.Mar.18 09:16 AM)nathanket Wrote: [ -> ]So basically just strength, dexterity, and luck of the draw?

Not exactly. =/

Each weapon has its own stats. That's totally different from the stats you are using.

By increasing strength or dexterity, they will not increase your chance of critical hit.

What you need is to get a weapon with a higher critical hit stats, such as Dissident Shogunate. OR, You can increase your Weapon Skill. OR, You can pray and get lucky with the AL random Luck generator.
not necessarily so zeon, it's not set in stone what causes a critical hit, but most likely a mix of strength and acc, and then your dex (cuz you need to hit to crit)
The top 5 in dex, only have 8 hits in the POI.
read my first post, and dex determines amount, not potency
Maybe this is what you meant?

For Melee, as long as you increase strength, your damage per hit will increases.
If one of your hit became a critical hit, it will dealt an even deadlier blow.

As far as critical hit rate, this is what Zen has to say in a earlier post.

(2008.May.16 12:54 AM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]Each weapon has it's own critical hit chance and critical hit damage range. The best way to land more crits is to pick a weapon that has a high chance of a crit (like the razorwhip), improve your weapon skills, or be lucky.

If you are lucky you don't need the other two.
increasing your base stats will probably also increase your criticals as well. and i was trying to transpose a belief for ranged weapons over to melee. str is believed to affect ranged weapon criticals, so why wouldnt acc have some effect as well?
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