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Full Version: lowest exp iyou have gotten on a leave attack
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i just got 3 exp off a lvl 40, wow , what a disapppointment :cry:
Logs? And did you attack them when they had 1 health point left? XD
If both at full power, that cant be right. Guessing who it is and they are not a super weak level 40.
Wow 3 points?

get that off a crime completion


both at full health, i get about 300 exp most of the time off that same guy

Attack Type Leave Them
Attack Result Win
Total Combat Rounds 9
Experience Points Earned 3.0
Hospital Minutes for Loser 44
Attack Time Feb 19 2009 - 9:10:29 am
Defender's Last Action Prior to Attack Feb 19 2009 - 8:50:36 am
you sure you didn't hit a lvl 4 by mistake :wink:


yep i am sure he was diff a lvl 40
Wasnt level 40.He was 40 days


You honorably defeat ##### in combat. You walk away and let your defeated opponent sulk in their own misery.

Experience Earned : 3
Hospitalization Time : 27

and again wow this is wild
It's a sign. 'Stop attacking that person.'
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