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$100 doll
Ars, at your presumed endurance vicinity will do a hell of lot more than give you "A few points in endurance".
Marlo Wrote:TriadBoy Wrote:100 DOLLERS=AFEW POINTS IN ENDURANCE...
$100 dollArs, at your presumed endurance vicinity will do a hell of lot more than give you "A few points in endurance".
Agreed, at the lower levels only one donation can make a massive difference.
Trying to be in the middle here,
but Triad,
just wanted to remind you that you were recently Fed-jailed after changing your name to "IQuitThisGame", after some game-dissatisfaction issues and some questionable forum posts.
Not saying you're right or wrong,
but just wanted to remind you that after a trip to fed, your name comes up in the "usual suspects" and the leash tends to get a lot shorter,
just saying.
since zen changed the games codes to make it even harder to pass an oc many people have given up quit and sold there gangs, people say she changed the codes due to donators complaining because the non-donators were making good money from the gang crimes.. thanks zen. i guess money is the whole point in this game for you and if you dont donate your not important right?..
we speand many hours here on AL, we waste our days and lifes here when we could be doing so many more better things and yet when we ask for a endurance day we instead are given a BS compitition that most dont take part in..
the reason is that here in this game is nearly impossible to gain enduarence unless you donate real money and the boss of this game wouldnt want us having an easyer road to saving our money so she didnt even give us a endurance day after ONE WHOLE YEAR OF WAITING FOR ONE!.....thanks again!...
i have played this game now for over ONE YEAR! and speant 100s of hours of my life here on AL, i think we deserve a day of endurance...
but i guess the only voices heard are the players that speand sick money on a text-based game, well im sorry mate but i WILL NOT be speanding a penny on a text-based game that rips you off!!!..
This is Triad's gang description! Sounds like another satisfied customer to me.
Triad do you forget that nobody is forcing you into playing this game?
TriadBoy Wrote:...players that speand sick money...
Last time I checked, my money was green and healthy...
This thread is BS. Honestly people is ten bucks now and then go to really kill you. I think not. I for one like to be able to support the game that i like to play (to help time pass at work) And to be honest if it was not for the people that do donate, this game would not even be here. Do you honestly think ZEN and ERR would be funding this on their own for our enjoyment. But i do not see why we did not have one this year.
Marlo Wrote:TriadBoy Wrote:...players that speand sick money...
Last time I checked, my money was green and healthy...
A very beautiful mint green and illuminates the room when the light hits it right.
Anyway..Why is Triadboy complaining? Doesn't he made like..Succeed in every crime, make $50,000+ every time he does, and gets about 50-100 gang points every time?
Dunno why people would be complaining if they had that kind of dough goin' around.
lrrltt Wrote:Honestly people is ten bucks now and then go to really kill you. I think not. I for one like to be able to support the game that i like to play
Exactly, you don't need to spend 100's of dollars but 10 or 20$ per month will help considerably.
I always thought a great analogy was you spend about 50-60$ on a standard video game. In many cases you play that game for a month or so, and then it ends up on the shelf never getting played again. Why not put 50$ a month into your character who you so religiously work on improving on a daily basis for months or years on end!
To go along with this thread, why not have the endurance day once a year? No real reason for there not to be one each year. Personally I didn't train endurance on that day because it didn't seem worth it to me.
Marlo Wrote:TriadBoy Wrote:...players that speand sick money...
Last time I checked, my money was green and healthy...
You sure green means healthy? 
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