im sorry to waste a bunch of peoples time but i wasnt sure wat else to do
im having trouble logging into AL because apprently my password or log in details are wrong and i havent changed anything
if anyone has any ideas that might help me out im willing to try them
i sent her a personal message over the forums but i havent heard back yet
just wanted to know if any players had any suggestions

Is someone going to tell Zenith to throw her an e-mail? If not, I'll do it.
And..Well. Keep trying. Do all sorts of crap. CAPS, Capital in the front, all low case, try old passwords for other stuff..Hell, maybe you spelt your name wrong? Happens to the best of us.
The same happened to me, i eventually emailed Err and he sorted it for me

i tried all of that sort of stuff and its still not working
it hasnt let me log in for the past 2 days at first i thought it was my spelling or caps but now its just starting annoy me
Have you sent a msg to Err?
Delete your cookies that might help.
i've sent Zen a mail teling her about your problem 8)
I'll reset your password and send it to the email you used to register.