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Full Version: Did threads disapear?
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Or am I going nutz
I meant, Marlo posted something about post 2009,. i had the sel'fd event in there


as far as i saw there was nothing inappropriate there..just honoring some of the more memorable posts of the year thus far.

perhaps it should have been moved to off the wall?
Seemed to be a lightning rod for another bicker-fest, so I removed it. Of the few posts it was obvious that Marlo and BBH were going to just start up more drek.
zenith Wrote:Seemed to be a lightning rod for another bicker-fest, so I removed it. Of the few posts it was obvious that Marlo and BBH were going to just start up more drek.


I forgive you.


OR you could just remove forum posting from the less functional kids?
The topic basically was only destined to be a flame-war.
zenith Wrote:The topic basically was only destined to be a flame-war.

thats the funniest thing i've heard all day
she said flame-war
lol :massivegrin: lol


zenith Wrote:Seemed to be a lightning rod for another bicker-fest, so I removed it. Of the few posts it was obvious that Marlo and BBH were going to just start up more drek.

I backed out of it. My name should not be included in your post.
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