Every odd number level i get i have a good streak in attacking 7,9 and 11 have been the best and 6,8 and 10 were horrible why is this?
Definitly been odd levels where I have had the bad streaks, and the people I've talked too agree. But I guess it may be different for some people, something it going on and it is strange.
I think it might be just chance that its like that.
Corrected a combat rounding issue today. Hopefully this fixes this issue.
yes, o god yes, thank you sooooo much.
THank you it's fixed woot!
Thank Mr. Err for the fix. He spotted it. Rather than using the PHP function floor() it was using float(), which made rounding go haywire. Wasn't easy to find since it didn't result in an error, just didn't result in the correct calculations.
Thanks Mr. Err

Could have done it when I was on an odd level. lol