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but that was AFTER you got into the armor, bro.

what difference did you see along the way as you went from level to level in res up to the point BEFORE you equipped the armor??
iceman2020 Wrote:Because of the training patterns of the majority of players in this game, resistance has become fairly useless beyond requirements.

It does have an impact, but it's nowhere near the same result as training acc or dex, and it's even more difficult to train.

I think the first statement here explains it all. Res seems to have been meant as a counter to both acc and str... but since most people at the high end train their primary weapon stats to 150% or more of their resistance, it doesn't have that much of an effect..

It also explains why people with most of their stats together in the 20's feel it is important and people with 40+ accy/Str don't think it is. when you are have 23 res and are fighting people with 25 accy/str, going to 24 res is huge. when your res is 38 and you are fighting people with 50+accy/str..39 res is a near meaningless increase.


I figure I'll add my two cents in here.

Personally when I started the game, I trained Resistance fairly often, mostly using career to level it while I worked on other stats. Once I hit around 22 Res, I stopped seeing so much of a difference.

I think it showes an added bonus after so many levels, and after that point the gains are not that noticeable.


if u read i said BEFORE i got into Armor Domb....

Trust me i notice diffrence as i was bringing it up. a big one infact
On a side note, I am curious as to what exactly it will do towards crime. I look at the list and there is none I can think would really need resistance.
i really never noticed any stats helping crimes other than intel....i think most are level based
Zenith herself says

Quote:Resistance measures how well you can protect yourself. In combat it helps reduce damage from a weapon. Some armors are useless without a decent resistance rating. Resistance is also useful for crimes involving physical confrontation.



Accuracy measures your hand-eye coordination and precision. It is useful for ranged weapons and crimes involving precise movements. Without a decent accuracy, most ranged weapon damage capabilities are limited.

Dexterity is the measure of how nimble and agile you are. Dexterity helps players avoid being hit in combat as well as helping to land a blow. It is also useful in most crimes involving stealth, quick movement, and/or balance.


Muggings / pickpocketing
Well ...

Could be just that, I admit.
if all those were the case i would theoretically never fail...after certain landmarks ive actually failed certain crimes more now than I did a year ago....way more into crimes than just some stats....granted there might be some min req for attempting without automatic jail time
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