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Full Version: I've said it before... but I'll say it again!
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im still making around 30k per day.... crimes are as they always were


Maybe u arent intelligent enuff yet.... for the crimes your doing... in the game i mean....? :oops:
2/26/2009 37 0 42 88.1 % $40,109 $954.98 502 0

all seems fine to me.... :roll:
NastyFO Wrote:Something is wrong with crimes as of late!

I (using my mobile crime log) usually am around 92% successful when doing crimes.

The past week I've been at about 80%.


Feel free to post similar stories. I'm just ranting just to rant.

I got caught today doing a 1AP crime and went to jail today! WTF? :-)


Who's got the Wambulance pic?


[Image: whambulance.gif]


backfromhell Wrote:allrite


nice avatar!
No shit delpot. I just saw that!


Im gonna kill the bastard Twisted
Do it, Do it
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