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There's no crying in AL. :cry:


UncleDave Wrote:There's no crying in AL. :cry:

UncleDave Wrote:There's no crying in AL. :cry:

LOL... There is a TON of crying in AL.


crying and drama makes this game lol 8)
If AL doesn't come online soon.....I might hurt myself.........


hardasgranite Wrote:If AL doesn't come online soon.....I might hurt myself.........

That would be like the guy who killed himself over Everquest Neutral


Really?????? Or are you BSing us? If true, was it everquest or everquest2? HEHE


if someone killed themself over a game, there life must have sucked


No kidding. Never played EQ. Played EQ2 and believe me there is no reason to kill yourself over those games.


I played both games, EQ2 wasnt as good as EQ was back in the day before SOE started screwing it up.
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