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Who this guy sold the Jail suit to ?

General Info
Name: gmoney96 [22550]
User Class: Human Member
User Level: 9
Gender: Male
Signed Up: April 19, 2008 7:35:16 pm
Last Active: November 21, 2008 9:45:12 am
Last Action: 47 days 15 hours 37 minutes 21 seconds ago
Online: Inactive
Days Old: 264
Friends: 2
Enemies: 1
Referrals: 1
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Health Status: Healthy
August 9, 2008 Won the 8-8-08 Crime Minute challenge.


i know who has it why? :roll: Twisted
I was iterested in it...And I am not going to go to fed jail to get one....could you have him mail me in game if he wants to cut it loose...if not that is all okay... I'll ask a mod to close this...
shadowinc Wrote:i know who has it why? :roll: Twisted

Its not on the list in the player assistance forum, you could add it.


nope lol lol lol , but he is a active player
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