Hmmmm. interesting... i see... thanks for your caring advice

Whatever happened to doing wtf you want bud...?
It all depends on if you own the gang or not? If you do, then do what ever you want. If you don't own the gang and are just the current prez then i wold listen to them...
I think you should keep them.
Tell the person to piss up a rope and block them.
McCule Wrote:piss up a rope
Conrad1103 Wrote:i think you should keep them.
agreed i like easy gang points
It's up to you ... make a choice then tell others if they don't like it to pissoff ... it's none of thier biz 8)
IMO do what keeps the game FUN for you. And frag what others have to say about your game play.
This is like all areas of the game. If someone who's character is a lot stronger is making the game unplayable or just not fun then maybe kicking them makes sense if they will not drop it..
But that doesn't mean it is any of their business. And I would probably tell them where to go and take a beating if needed.
Also enlist the help of players stronger than them if you know any who would be willing to help you...