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I totally like this game. I've played Gladiatus, Runescape, Tribal Wars, etc but I all quit them since they suck(I think) and I only play Awakened Lands for now.

List all the things you LIKE about Awakened Lands here.

To start up:

-Cool community/users/people
-Cool game play
-Nice site layout
-Variety of weapons
-Dynamic(game constantly changing)
-Even if you don't donate you'll still be able to pick up
You only forget one and that is.
The hope that one day a NPC will thank me for busting them from jail.
I tried a lot of games and this is my personal favorite.


i like that everyone else doesnt know if i have cash on hand. ive tried like 3 other similar games, but every time id get money id get mugged faster then i could bank by like 6 ppl.

the absolute best thing about AL?
this is the only game i played where the creator isnt a D-bag
filthymick Wrote:i like that everyone else doesnt know if i have cash on hand. ive tried like 3 other similar games, but every time id get money id get mugged faster then i could bank by like 6 ppl.

the absolute best thing about AL?
this is the only game i played where the creator isnt a D-bag

I like that this can be the simplest or most complex game you've ever played. It depends on the effort or imagination you put into it individually.
A person can sign on, train, crime, bank and not sign in for another week...
You can think not only of yourself but of your gang mates, what weapons, skills, armor, talents, personalites are
make friends
and then think about your nemesis' gang, how many are in it, how strong they are becoming, try to figure out their intentions amongst relationships they have with a gang of 15 or 20 other people you don't know.

It's funny how I can attempt to explain this to a complete stranger and as I'm saying it I'm thinking, "I can't believe these words are actually coming out of my mouth b/c it sounds totally retarded..."

They usually smile and nod and say something like, " you DON'T ever see a "guy"?"
I tried a few others but found they were lacking.....Besides getting my butt kicked and kicking others I like the fact that most players are mature enough not to take it personal.......

Civility is whats it all about.....and oh yeah the drama (cue Triad Boy)...... :roll:
McCule Wrote:They usually smile and nod and say something like, " you DON'T ever see a "guy"?"
I have gotten this so many times as well. People need to be more creative, and far more fun. Find me a video game that I will play for 1 year nonstop, and go to sleep thinking about at least 4 nights a week, and I the next president of *New Mexico.
*Cleaner than the original. Wink
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