Top 50 Overall Stats
Rank User
1 RetiredLoki
2 ^V^ TripsT
3 SV Punisher
Loki was a beast.
Last Action: 108 days 12 hours 35 minutes 45 seconds ago
Loki's still top ranked
what's the point of congratulating Ush???
Lucky666 Wrote:Loki's still top ranked
what's the point of congratulating Ush???
At first I thought it was for being second, then I saw "loki was" and wondered the same thing.
Hasn't Ush been at the #2 spot for a while, now..?
and yes
Ush being second is old news
it happend when Pun started lvling
Mock good way to stroke ush's ego.
hes closing..wont be long
hmmm, lol.. thanks so MUCH! lol
Please stop posting just to post.