2009.Jan.01, 07:30 AM
iceman2020 Wrote:ZhuSeth Wrote:
ROFL, this funny, too bad I was out drinking.
31.Dec.08 OnTheCanal defeated you and left you in shame. Delete
31.Dec.08 OnTheCanal defeated you and left you in shame. Delete
31.Dec.08 OnTheCanal defeated you and left you in shame. Delete
31.Dec.08 OnTheCanal defeated you and left you in shame. Delete
31.Dec.08 OnTheCanal mugged you and stole $0. Delete
31.Dec.08 Super Villains has declared war on your gang!
I might've touched a nerve.
No worries, not trying to pick a fight.
check your logs, you have a new one
So? Are happy now? Does it make you feel all high and mighty?

Well, have fun then, at least then I won't be the only one.